PlanetUnix Mirror Service |
All infrastructure is powered by OpenBSD and designed to provide secure access to open-source software around the globe.
All regions support HTTPS, HTTP, FTP, and RSYNC access.
Content is served by endpoints in the following regions:
Region |
Location |
Endpoint |
| | |
Australia | Sydney, AU | metis |
Brazil | Sao Paulo, BR | umbriel |
Canada - Ontario | Toronto, ON, CA | elara |
France | Paris, FR | nereid |
Germany | Frankfurt, DE | oberon |
India | Bengaluru, IN | ariel |
Israel | Tel Aviv, IL | tethys |
Italy | Milan, IT | belinda |
Japan | Tokyo, JP | kale |
Singapore | Singapore, SG | enceladus |
South Africa | Johannesburg, ZA | setebos |
United Kingdom | London, UK | callisto |
US - California | San Francisco, CA, US | despina |
US - New York | New York, NY, US | galatea |
US - Texas | Dallas, TX, US | ophelia |
mirror.planetunix.net resolves to your local endpoint.
mirror.all.planetunix.net resolves to all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Ports: 21 (FTP), 80 (HTTP), 443 (HTTPS), and 873 (RSYNC).
Additional ports can be redirected by request.